So I forgot to take a before picture of this mirror, horrible I know... but picture 1960 dark wood. Seriously, it was bought sometime in the 60's! Please ignore the rest of the crap around the mirror, I'm in the middle of moving and my room looks like a storage closet. Not great living conditions right now. But doesn't the mirror look great!?
This is part of the house warming gift I received from my friend Kelli, thanks again Kelli! The arrow part hangs on the wall and then I painted this "W" to hang from it, I just have to attach some chain to it. It will be a cute little sign when I'm done. She also got me a sign to hang from it that is Fall themed with a little turkey and pumpkins. Adorable.
This is a nightstand that my Mama got from Goodwill about a year ago. I don't think she paid more than $10 dollars for it.
And this is what it looks like after I got my hands on it. It's amazing what paint and new hardware can do! I sort of splurged on $7 for each glass knob. But overall, this is a $14 nightstand. And yes, it's white. The husband will have to deal with it because I'm not staining the nightstands, just the dresser and bookcase. Way to much work.
I decided I would share some of my tips when it comes to fixing up old furniture. Some of you may be experts (I'm definitely not) but some of you may want to know. So here it is.
1. Sand, sand, and sand some more. The more you sand, the better. Just don't sand away all of the wood!
2. Use an air compressor and blow off the furniture, then use lacquer thinner on a cloth to wipe off any thing left on the surface.
3. Use a roller, not a paintbrush. This is the difference between it looking good and great. Only use a paintbrush in the places a roller won't get.
4. Use the least amount of paint possible. Doing two or three coats looks better than one thick or two thick coats.
Bookcase will be posted tomorrow, it needs another coat of stain. Staining is very tricky, I'll let you know how to stain furniture once I figure it out! I will be scrubbing all night to get the stain off of my legs, it's not a good look for me.
Bookcase will be posted tomorrow, it needs another coat of stain. Staining is very tricky, I'll let you know how to stain furniture once I figure it out! I will be scrubbing all night to get the stain off of my legs, it's not a good look for me.
So good! I did my youngest daugters room "shabby Chic" got an "OLD" dresser and painted it white as well as roughed up teh edges a little and aded the cute little glass knobs. ADORABLE:) And my oldest daughters room is mod. Fucia, black, and white. With Audrey Hepburn portraits all over the place. Plus chandeliers in every room of the house. (gotta have some sparkle in my house) Just about everything I have is "special finds" from thrift shops or yard~sales. If you get orders to NC you will have soooo much fun with the amount of places you can find that kind of stuff.........
ReplyDeletePLEASE IGNORE the That is what I get trying to type fast!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome my dear! And I love that you got creative and made your own little sign to hang....very cleaver!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips! I did J's bunkbeds and barstools before, wish I had read your rips before! (used paintbrush--so don't look close next time your over).
Night stand looks great!!!!
Brandee -Those rooms sound great! I think it was Audrey Hepburn that said "Happy girls are the prettiest girls!". And I LOVE the chandelier idea!! Okay, now I am definitely hoping we get orders to NC, sounds awesome! My kind of place.
ReplyDeleteKelli -His bunkbeds looked good!! Couldn't tell you did them with a paintbrush :] And thanks! I'll be texting you soon to get together.
You might love it here if you in fact get orders. We have been stationed here this time around for almost 9 years. We met here moved once and have been back here since. This has kinda become home for us. There is an incredible website out here it is online yardsales that you can get crazy deals on.
It is kinda a fixxer~upper heaven:)